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Becoming (Devenir)
An otherworldly entity incarnates into a living doll body and navigates its hostile alien environment.
2024, Argentina, 9 minutes
Directed by Judas Betancourt and Gabriel Marin
Bellow of the Crocodile
A Florida man and his father delve into the Everglades to enlist the help of psychic crocodiles to defend the planet from invading alien pythons.
2024, USA, 7 minutes
Directed by Philip Jozef Brubaker
Belly Talkers
A nervous homebody ventures out into a daunting world.
2021, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Kate Renshaw-Lewis
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Two primordial beings are cursed by the gods to live as monsters.
2020, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Jaime Bird
BFF Girls
Three nerdy girls transform into Japanese superheroes to battle a villain obsessed with menstruation.
2018, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Brian Lonano
Big Brown’s TV Slap Down
The Shape Peeps see their wholesome utopia despoiled by hell-bent slapping rampage.
2016, USA, 1 minute
Directed by Cable Hardin
A two-bit hood digs up a rival’s grave in hopes of retrieving a bit of lost loot.
2019, Finland, 3 minutes
Directed by Teemu Saarinen and Karo von Rutenhjelm
Bitter Sweat (Väkevä Hiki)
A tormented veteran and his sheltered younger brother cling to their primeval heritage in a world of merciless change.
2014, Finland, 32 minutes
Directed by Artturi Olavi Rostén
Winner: Sickest Award
Black Jeans Whoa
The arrival of a black-clad interloper threatens the sanctum of a group of large, adult men.
2015, USA, 7 minutes
Directed by Bob Rose and Michael C. Stettes
Winner: Best Music Award
A boorish oaf suffers unforeseen consequences for his tasteless party costume.
2019, Belgium, 7 minutes
Directed by Quentin Moll-Van Roye
Winner: Sickest Award
A dewy-eyed do-gooder falls for a duplicitous party girl who sends him on a dangerous quest to retrieve her ex’s dick pics.
2018, USA, 45 minutes
Directed by Billy Bob Thompson and Matt J. Weir
Bliss Burger
An immigrant engineering student finds solace from his concerns in the warm embrace of consumerism.
2019, USA, 20 minutes
Directed by Adam K. Wright
Winner: Festival Director’s Award