A man struggles to decipher his coworker’s advice about getting some sleep.
2021, Canada, 24 minutes
Directed by P-Nut
A man struggles to decipher his coworker’s advice about getting some sleep.
2021, Canada, 24 minutes
Directed by P-Nut
A nervous homebody ventures out into a daunting world.
2021, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Kate Renshaw-Lewis
A sloth infuriates his panther roommate with his torturously slow decision making.
2020, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Rob Steinberg and Randall Parker
A young man struggles to accept some shocking news from his doctor.
2020, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Yuma Slowbinder
Two primordial beings are cursed by the gods to live as monsters.
2020, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Jaime Bird
Ashley Glass’s song about the frustrations of lockdown horniness depicted in glitch animation.
2020, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Cary and Jon
Winner: Festival Director’s Award
A man follows the sound of his father‘s voice into a rent in the fabric of space, time, and memory.
2020, Canada, 4 minutes
Directed by Daniel Milligan
An artist is inspired when she receives the guts of a popular children’s toy from the late 90s.
2021, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Pacey Hansen
Two bros set off an apocalyptic death match when they argue over the last serving of their favorite food.
2020, Indonesia, 7 minutes
Directed by Percolate Galactic
Set to take the reins of a popular superhero franchise, a Hollywood megastar has to literally put his head into the hands of an effects artist obsessed with the character.
2021, USA, 29 minutes
Directed by Matt Servitto