When a tightly knit Black community loses one of their own to police violence, they hope to build a time machine to undo the tragedy.
2022, France, 13 minutes
Directed by Adrien Peskine and Anthony Peskine
Winner: Soulcrusher Award
When a tightly knit Black community loses one of their own to police violence, they hope to build a time machine to undo the tragedy.
2022, France, 13 minutes
Directed by Adrien Peskine and Anthony Peskine
Winner: Soulcrusher Award
The film delves into cosmic horror as “The Samhain Swim Team” invokes an unspeakable darkness from the depths of their Olympic-sized swimming pool.
2022, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Sergio Pinheiro
Winner: Lisa Frank Award
As she recalls the harsh treatment received at the hands of her programmer, an android decides she’s had enough.
2022, USA, 16 minutes
Directed by Sarah Emery and Matthew Emery
Winner: Audience Favorite Short Award
Just fired from her job, a young woman answers a sketchy help-wanted ad.
2021, USA, 20 minutes
Directed by Kyle Kleege
Winner: Brown Acid Award
Discarded from their magical home, three disillusioned performers reflect on the hypocrisies of their past lives.
2021, Costa Rica, 82 minutes
Directed by Carla Forte
Winner: Online Audience Favorite Award
Following a friend’s wedding, a couple return to their woodland cabin for a relaxing weekend, but a strange noise and a fixation on mortality threaten to derail their plans.
2022, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Seth William Chatfield
Winner: Mrs. Festival Director’s Award
The hottest woman alive is stalked by a dime-store vampire.
2022, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Tomás Orrego
Winner: Kostanski Award
A germaphobe finds his anxiety escalating while he cares for his sick girlfriend.
2022, France, 15 minutes
Directed by Simon Birman
Winner: Cacophony Award
A small YouTuber loses her mind as the world falls apart, consuming endless amounts of bad content.
2022, USA, 72 minutes
Directed by Jacob Gregor
Winner: Audience Favorite Feature Award, Mr. Festival Director’s Award
A lonely young man, angry at his own body, pursues dark means to address his issues.
2022, USA, 27 minutes
Directed by Grant Swanson
Winner: Mink Stole Award
A TV magician opens a viewer’s third eye, giving him a chance to confront his own consciousness.
2022, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Johnny Clyde
Winner: The Cyber Sickie
Two strangers bond over addictive hallucinogenic worms leading them on a psychotic bender full of murder and perversity through the back alleys of Chicago.
2022, USA, 72 minutes
Directed by Alex Phillips
Winner: The Golden Tentacle