The plight of a gig worker in São Paolo illustrates the anguish wrought by income inequality in Brazil.
2020, Brazil, 5 minutes
Directed by Vitoria Di Bonesso
The plight of a gig worker in São Paolo illustrates the anguish wrought by income inequality in Brazil.
2020, Brazil, 5 minutes
Directed by Vitoria Di Bonesso
First-person narratives relate deep truths about shopping, making salads, and The Big Bang Theory.
2018, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by Karen Leo
Dazzling lizard creatures engage in a depraved bacchanal.
2019, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Fritz Masten
A reformed sinner imparts profound truths.
2019, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Preston Spurlock
Prince Dreamo Hernandez descends into a somnambulistic coma after a monstrous volcano claims his family.
2018, USA, 10 minutes
Directed by Bradley Oliver Wilkinson-Vega
Dive headlong into a wordless psychedelic nightmare through the depths of vice.
2019, Canada, 6 minutes
Directed by Phoebe Parsons
Winner: Brown Acid Award
A would-be reveler is accosted on their way to the part by Kevin Kaos, Ruler of the Hell.
2019, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Arius Ziaee
Tubby diners discover the gory consequences to buying a get-skinny-quick drug.
2019, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Michele Carter
A gourmet cannibal succumbs to his bloodlust and transmogrifies into the embodiment of his appetite.
2019, United Kingdom, 2 minutes
Directed by Leo Nicholson
Sounds and images combine to create a synaesthetic smellscape.
2019, Canada, 3 minutes
Directed by Carol-Ann Belzil-Normand
A rapacious parasite intrudes on a couple’s sexy times.
2020, USA, 1 minute
Directed by The Frog Emperor
A talentless stoner discovers an unconventional trick to emulating his guitar idol.
2019, Canada, 3 minutes
Directed by Joren Cull