A TV magician opens a viewer’s third eye, giving him a chance to confront his own consciousness.
2022, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Johnny Clyde
Winner: The Cyber Sickie
A TV magician opens a viewer’s third eye, giving him a chance to confront his own consciousness.
2022, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Johnny Clyde
Winner: The Cyber Sickie
A nervous homebody ventures out into a daunting world.
2021, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Kate Renshaw-Lewis
A sloth infuriates his panther roommate with his torturously slow decision making.
2020, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Rob Steinberg and Randall Parker
Two primordial beings are cursed by the gods to live as monsters.
2020, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Jaime Bird
Ashley Glass’s song about the frustrations of lockdown horniness depicted in glitch animation.
2020, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Cary and Jon
Winner: Festival Director’s Award
Two bros set off an apocalyptic death match when they argue over the last serving of their favorite food.
2020, Indonesia, 7 minutes
Directed by Percolate Galactic
A prisoner breaks free from his cell during a long, dark journey through interstellar space.
2021, USA, 9 minutes
Directed by Michael Lavine
Winner: Brown Acid Award
An aging master describes the horrific cycle that begins early in every chimney sweep’s life.
2020, Germany, 5 minutes
Directed by Frédéric Schuld
Digital voices celebrate the joys of social media, but a shadow of anguish creeps into the jubilee.
2021, United Kingdom, 4 minutes
Directed by Céline Ufenast
A seemingly simple task sends a young person into a downward spiral of panic.
2021, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Yoon Hei Cho