A scummy stunt driver and his obsessed fan face off against an emasculated madman with an army of mercenaries.
2015, Canada, 14 minutes
Directed by Sam McGlynn
A scummy stunt driver and his obsessed fan face off against an emasculated madman with an army of mercenaries.
2015, Canada, 14 minutes
Directed by Sam McGlynn
A convict fresh out of the clink suffers the unwanted affections of an amorous alley dweller.
2015, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by Brian Lonano
Winner: Wrongest Award
A cornrowed white rapper severs his own head and then escapes into a psychedelic fugue when his body refuses to obey him.
2014, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Steve Girard
A lovelorn weirdo with disturbing predilections takes a fancy to his pretty new neighbor.
2015, USA, 16 minutes
Directed by Joshua Giuliano
Winner: Best Story Award, Best Movie Award
Negative emotions boil to the surface of the skin and are violently released by insect stings.
2014, United Kingdom, 3 minutes
Directed by Simon Davies
A man develops an unhealthy bond with the monstrous parasite growing inside him.
2016, USA, 10 minutes
Directed by Anthony Cousins
Winnner: Sickest Award, Best Special Effects Award
A custodial worker discovers an unfamiliar door, behind which lie unsettling visions.
2015, Australia, 4 minutes
Directed by Justin Crooks
After his miserable death, a jealous boyfriend finds himself trapped in his girlfriend’s bedroom, forced to watch as she moves enthusiastically on from him.
2015, USA, 10 minutes
Directed by DJ Wooldridge
When a beleaguered wife and mother finally gets some alone time, she loosens up in as extreme a manner as possible.
2016, Canada, 3 minutes
Directed by Nadine L’Esperance
A drunken jock makes a lame attempt to comfort his date after they hear a radio report of a violent mental patient on the loose.
2015, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Brock Grossl
Two trappers in extreme isolation enjoy a night of revelry, but one is haunted by the consequences come the morning.
2015, Canada, 11 minutes
Directed by Pablo Saravanja and Jay Bulckaert
A ghastly vision of mutant mothers, freakish bathtub monstrosities, and pigs in suits bearing malevolent intentions.
2016, United Kingdom, 2 minutes
Directed by Lee Charlish