With all the humans dead, two rabbits take to the streets to escape ravenous apex predators.
2018, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Jim McDonough
With all the humans dead, two rabbits take to the streets to escape ravenous apex predators.
2018, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Jim McDonough
You are invited to become as perfect as someone like you can be.
2017, USA, 2 minutes
Directed by Courtney Fowler
A teenaged delinquent takes a drug-fueled vision quest and connects with his true self.
2017, USA, 12 minutes
Directed by Jake Peckar
A crawdad takes up residence in a fish’s corpse.
2018, USA, 2 minutes
Directed by Michael Arcos
Four shack dwellers attempt to watch a soccer match despite bad reception, bizarre commercials, and disturbing transmogrifications.
2018, Indonesia, 6 minutes
Directed by Marry Wijaya and Yujin Sick
A lonely puppet searches for someone to fulfill his needs without judgment.
2017, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Jojo Carlman
Doughnut Eve angers Doughnut God by consuming everything in her path.
2017, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Derek Gieraltowski
The filmmaker examines the dysfunctional relationship between furniture and women’s bodies.
2017, Canada, 2 minutes
Directed by Carol-Ann Belzil-Normand
Two hazmat-suited working stiffs drive the wasteland looking for feral mutants to collect.
2018, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Dan Pasto
A space pilot flies through a psychedelic universe populated by exotic and occasionally buxom lifeforms.
2017, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Phil Freeman