A priest spars with a demon but struggles to achieve his holy release.
2017, United Kingdom, 9 minutes
Directed by Chris Chalklen
A priest spars with a demon but struggles to achieve his holy release.
2017, United Kingdom, 9 minutes
Directed by Chris Chalklen
A two-bit hustler stumbles his way into high-stakes job for a legendary mob boss.
2017, USA, 7 minutes
Directed by Julien Lasseur
A deadpan reading of a porn script illustrates the absurdity of the medium.
2003, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by T. Arthur Cottam
A responsible nebbish returns home to find his roommate in the throes of an ominous epiphany.
2015, Canada, 7 minutes
Directed by Daniel Jeffery
The Shape Peeps see their wholesome utopia despoiled by hell-bent slapping rampage.
2016, USA, 1 minute
Directed by Cable Hardin
Certified Famous American Actress™ Carlotta Moore has her suburban tranquility violated by a door-to-door evangelist.
2015, Finland, 7 minutes
Directed by CHRZU Lindström
Winner: Best Performance Award
Two recovering addicts relapse together and share an apocalyptic downward spiral that ends in absurdity.
2016, USA, 74 minutes
Directed by Peter Vack
An angry paranoiac suffers through increasingly horrific agony after pricking his finger on a stray hypodermic.
2017, USA, 19 minutes
Directed by Benjamin Swicker