A series of gruesome occurrences cast suspicion on the alley cat a woman welcomed into her new apartment.
2016, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Chris Jopp
Winner: Best Music Award
A series of gruesome occurrences cast suspicion on the alley cat a woman welcomed into her new apartment.
2016, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Chris Jopp
Winner: Best Music Award
A woman leaves a voicemail apprising her partner of their cat’s bizarre behavior.
2016, United Kingdom, 2 minutes
Directed by Tia Salisbury
A workaday gent receives a phone call offering him some unsettling advice.
2016, United Kingdom, 9 minutes
Directed by Philip Clyde-Smith
Winner: Best Story Award
A tormentor attempts to guide his captive to transcendence through the pain he inflicts.
2016, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Lance Larson
Still wallowing in self-pity over a long-ago breakup, a paranoid wretch forces himself to do some laundry.
2017, USA, 14 minutes
Directed by Doug Duke
Winner: Audience Favorite Award
A doofy slacker accidentally constructs the apotheosis of all sandwichkind, incurring the anger of shadowy forces.
2015, Australia, 5 minutes
Directed by William Justin Crooks
When a trendy Brooklynite goes into labor, her partner has to rush her across town to a fabulous dinner party celebrating the delivery.
2016, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Jono Freedrix
Winner: Wrongest Award
A husband’s affection for his DIY toolshed is shaken when the shed reveals its murderous nature.
2017, United Kingdom, 13 minutes
Directed by James Moran
In the last moments of a Christmas-themed slasher movie, a man tries to defend his manhood against a perceived slight from his girlfriend.
2017, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Nicholas Payne Santos
Amateur Satanists have their conjuring ritual sabotaged by one member’s ineptitude.
2016, USA, 7 minutes
Directed by Jason Tostevin
Winner: Funniest Award