Shadowy government agents send a mutant gorilla to hunt an extraterrestrial banana.
2013, USA, 9 minutes
Directed by Josh DiGangi
Winner: Funniest Award
Shadowy government agents send a mutant gorilla to hunt an extraterrestrial banana.
2013, USA, 9 minutes
Directed by Josh DiGangi
Winner: Funniest Award
The arrival of a black-clad interloper threatens the sanctum of a group of large, adult men.
2015, USA, 7 minutes
Directed by Bob Rose and Michael C. Stettes
Winner: Best Music Award
A young man with a nervous tummy meets a woman who loves him just the way he is.
2016, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by Benjamin Gill
Winner: Best Performance Award
A convict fresh out of the clink suffers the unwanted affections of an amorous alley dweller.
2015, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by Brian Lonano
Winner: Wrongest Award
A lovelorn weirdo with disturbing predilections takes a fancy to his pretty new neighbor.
2015, USA, 16 minutes
Directed by Joshua Giuliano
Winner: Best Story Award, Best Movie Award
A man develops an unhealthy bond with the monstrous parasite growing inside him.
2016, USA, 10 minutes
Directed by Anthony Cousins
Winnner: Sickest Award, Best Special Effects Award