As she recalls the harsh treatment received at the hands of her programmer, an android decides she’s had enough.
2022, USA, 16 minutes
Directed by Sarah Emery and Matthew Emery
Winner: Audience Favorite Short Award
As she recalls the harsh treatment received at the hands of her programmer, an android decides she’s had enough.
2022, USA, 16 minutes
Directed by Sarah Emery and Matthew Emery
Winner: Audience Favorite Short Award
It’s Hannah’s eleventh birthday, and she only wants one thing: to see a dick.
2021, United Kingdom, 7 minutes
Directed by Kate McCoid
A thirtysomething living with his mother finds joy in his new job as a furry performer.
2021, Hungary, 18 minutes
Directed by Annabella Schnabel
Fighting over a crow-feather necklace, two young boys inadvertently unleash a curse on their neighborhood.
2021, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Eavvon Styles O’Neal
Just fired from her job, a young woman answers a sketchy help-wanted ad.
2021, USA, 20 minutes
Directed by Kyle Kleege
Winner: Brown Acid Award
An ex-con, sentient pile of hamburger meat teaches after-school lessons to a child.
2022, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Izzy Lee
Following a friend’s wedding, a couple return to their woodland cabin for a relaxing weekend, but a strange noise and a fixation on mortality threaten to derail their plans.
2022, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Seth William Chatfield
Winner: Mrs. Festival Director’s Award
An internet fetish performer finds his life in upheaval when he discovers a tentacle growing from his chest.
2021, Norway, 40 minutes
Directed by Iosu Vakerizzo
As a woman packs up her childhood home following the passing of her father, she comes to learn that there may have been a more sinister threat behind his death.
2022, Canada, 18 minutes
Directed by Brian Sepanzyk
A couple goes on a hike and runs into some trouble.
2021, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Wally Chung
The hottest woman alive is stalked by a dime-store vampire.
2022, USA, 5 minutes
Directed by Tomás Orrego
Winner: Kostanski Award
An office worker with an unsettling affliction faces off against a rival for a promotion.
2021, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Chris McInroy