As she recalls the harsh treatment received at the hands of her programmer, an android decides she’s had enough.

2022, USA, 16 minutes
Directed by Sarah Emery and Matthew Emery

Winner: Audience Favorite Short Award

My First Dick

It’s Hannah’s eleventh birthday, and she only wants one thing: to see a dick.

2021, United Kingdom, 7 minutes
Directed by Kate McCoid

Mister Backlash

Fighting over a crow-feather necklace, two young boys inadvertently unleash a curse on their neighborhood.

2021, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Eavvon Styles O’Neal

Messy Boys

Just fired from her job, a young woman answers a sketchy help-wanted ad.

2021, USA, 20 minutes
Directed by Kyle Kleege

Winner: Brown Acid Award

Meat Friend

An ex-con, sentient pile of hamburger meat teaches after-school lessons to a child.

2022, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Izzy Lee

Mairzy Doats

Following a friend’s wedding, a couple return to their woodland cabin for a relaxing weekend, but a strange noise and a fixation on mortality threaten to derail their plans.

2022, USA, 13 minutes
Directed by Seth William Chatfield

Winner: Mrs. Festival Director’s Award

In the Shadow of God

As a woman packs up her childhood home following the passing of her father, she comes to learn that there may have been a more sinister threat behind his death.

2022, Canada, 18 minutes
Directed by Brian Sepanzyk


An office worker with an unsettling affliction faces off against a rival for a promotion.

2021, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Chris McInroy

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