The soul of a doleful musician is condemned to traverse his most painful memories.
2017, Mexico, 12 minutes
Directed by Adrián Landeros
The soul of a doleful musician is condemned to traverse his most painful memories.
2017, Mexico, 12 minutes
Directed by Adrián Landeros
Mother Earth entices Big Oil to plumb her depths.
2017, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Drew Bolduc
A miserable drunk encounters a magical benefactor at an inopportune moment.
2016, Israel, 1 minute
Directed by Nadav Tal
A man with a fascinating abnormality is harangued by a bloodthirsty clown.
2017, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Shy Boyz
On a late-night drive, a scummy boyfriend follows a shortcut to his karmic reward.
2016, United Kingdom, 5 minutes
Directed by Prano Bailey-Bond
A priest spars with a demon but struggles to achieve his holy release.
2017, United Kingdom, 9 minutes
Directed by Chris Chalklen
A two-bit hustler stumbles his way into high-stakes job for a legendary mob boss.
2017, USA, 7 minutes
Directed by Julien Lasseur
A deadpan reading of a porn script illustrates the absurdity of the medium.
2003, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by T. Arthur Cottam
A responsible nebbish returns home to find his roommate in the throes of an ominous epiphany.
2015, Canada, 7 minutes
Directed by Daniel Jeffery
The Shape Peeps see their wholesome utopia despoiled by hell-bent slapping rampage.
2016, USA, 1 minute
Directed by Cable Hardin