
Tormented by a sadistic lover and a domineering mother, a pitiful manchild succumbs to violence.

2015, Brazil, 20 minutes
Directed by Luciano de Azevedo

Evil Synth

A pious piano tutor arrives for an in-home lesson and finds an evil presence awaiting her.

2017, USA, 4 minutes
Directed by Harrison Carr

Cries for Help

A young pregnant woman visits a clinic for guidance and is horrified to be greeted with the anguished cries of a child.

2016, Canada, 8 minutes
Directed by Robert Tinkler


A devout family uneasily prepares for the imminent transcendence predicted by their reverend.

2015, USA, 6 minutes
Directed by William Nawrocki


A woman travels deep into a dark wood to rid herself of a monstrous sickness.

2017, USA, 3 minutes
Directed by Maxwell Seiler and Gabriel Francis

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Ready to Burst

A pregnant woman notices unnatural changes taking place in her body, but her husband and doctor refuse to believe her.

2016, Canada, 11 minutes
Directed by Ariel Hansen

Luz & Fer

A troubled woman traverses a nightmare woven of memory in search of the sister who turned away from her into darkness.

2016, Switzerland, 7 minutes
Directed by Alejandra Cardona


Post-apocalyptic bounty hunters will track down your undead loved ones and release their souls… for a price.

2017, USA, 8 minutes
Directed by Ryan Schaddelee

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Blood Sisters

A girls’ night in turns gruesome when two BFFs attempt a seemingly silly bonding ritual.

2017, Australia, 11 minutes
Directed by Caitlin Koller and Lachlan Smith

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